Preparing the Next Generation
of Global Leaders

Abroad360° - Virtual Advising & Student Success Platform

Transformative Doesn’t Happen by Chance

The Abroad360° tool is currently being reconceptualized. As a result, we are not currently offering demos of the tool. We invite you to sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page under "Stay Connected" for updates and announcements related to the Abroad360° tool.

Do you ever wish you had more support on why and how a global opportunity is right for you? Are you collecting research and want to cover all your bases to determine if a global program is for you? Did you just return to your home country and want to debrief your experience and leverage it for your career readiness?

Diversity Abroad’s Virtual Advising & Student Success Platform delivers inclusive and targeted resources to support your success throughout the education abroad experience. Abroad360 provides you 24/7 assistance through content that is engaging, interactive and on-demand through a comprehensive suite of resources that includes micro-learning & advising modules, online workshops, and Cultural and Diversity Destination Guides.


Abroad360° Modules

A series of short and engaging microlearning modules that provide diverse and underrepresented students with culturally relevant and identity-specific information to enhance learning and support their success while pursuing education abroad. Modules are complemented by resource pages, quizzes, reflection activities, and online workshops.

Examples of Modules:

  • Are Global Programs for Me?
  • Being a Person of Color Abroad
  • Approaches to Navigating Microaggressions Abroad
  • Staying Healthy and Safe (Multi Part Series)
  • Allyship for Diverse Peers Abroad

Online Abroad360° Workshops

Live online workshops that build upon the Abroad360° Modules and engage the Diversity Abroad Community via discussion while connecting the community to experts in the field and one another.

During the Online Workshops, you will be able to:

  • Review the information presented in Abroad360° Modules with a live group of facilitators and other students
  • Support the development of the greater student community through the sharing of your experiences abroad
  • Compare and contrast your experiences abroad to those of students with a variety of identities
  • Construct an action plan for navigating your global experience in relation to the workshop topic and personal reflection

Cultural and Diversity Destination Guides

  • Select Destination Guides are available to Abroad360° users to explore how identity can be taken into consideration when planning to travel to a specific country. Just look for the identity icons on every Cultural and Diversity Destination Guide!


Abroad360° resources were developed to support the success of all students and young people engaged in global education programs with a special focus on those from diverse and traditionally marginalized populations. Are you a student, fellow or intern? Then Abroad360° is for you! Do you hold a diverse identity? Then Abroad360° is double for you!


Diversity Abroad partners with hundreds of academic institutions and organizations to give students free access to premium content and learning modules. You may have received an email inviting you to access Abroad360°. If not, sign up using your college or university email and if the ‘Abroad360° Modules’ option pops up in your user drop down menu (found by clicking on your user avatar on the top right of the screen when logged in) then you have access to the platform!

Don’t have access to the modules? Email your International Education/Global Programs office the information below:


I came across a resource on called Abroad360° and wanted to know if we have a subscription? Below is some information about the resource with a link to learn more as an institution:

Abroad360° resources were developed to support the success of all students and young people engaged in global educational programs with a special focus on those from diverse and traditionally marginalized populations. Students gain access to the resources through their institutions or sponsoring organizations subscription to Abroad360°. Institutions interested in subscribing to Abroad360° for their students can learn more here or email [email protected].


[Insert your name]


If you are a current student using Abroad360° check out our frequently asked questions to support your navigation of the platform.


The Abroad360° tool is currently being reconceptualized. As a result, we are not currently offering demos of the tool. We invite you to sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page under "Stay Connected" for updates and announcements related to the Abroad360° tool.

Abroad360 Frequently Asked Questions

Why Abroad360°?

Each tool within Abroad360° is designed to deliver content that is identity-specific and takes into consideration diverse students’ concerns, such as their wellness, safety and security. Understanding that international education offices and advisors’ capacity and resources at home and host campuses can sometimes be limited, these resources supplement existing services and aid in increasing equitable access and allow students to feel supported no matter the time, place or subject matter.

How will I engage with Diversity Abroad while using Abroad360°?

Students will interact and engage freely on the Abroad360 platform (modules, workshops, and country-specific diversity and inclusion guides). Diversity Abroad will monitor discussion boards, although this is primarily a space for students to engage with one another about the topic. Online workshops will be a live space for students to engage with the Diversity Abroad team members and experts to dig deeper into a module topic. Students are encouraged to contact their study abroad offices to be given institutional/organizational specific support and guidance.

Are these workshops and modules available just to students?

Yes, Abroad360° resources were developed to support the success of all students and young people engaged in global educational programs with a special focus on those from diverse and traditionally marginalized populations.

How long does one module take?

Students should dedicate anywhere from 10-20 minutes to go through one module in depth. The module itself is 5-9 minutes in duration followed by resources, quizzes, and reflection questions.

Can I start a module and come back to it later?

You can start a module and come back to it later. Students will have the opportunity to review modules as much as they would like and have 24/7 access to the database.

How do I access the Diversity & Inclusion Destination Guides?

Navigate to the Destination Guides from the Articles & Resources dropdown menu on the homepage of After opening a guide, click on the diversity & inclusion guides on the right side of the page. You must be logged in to access the diversity & inclusion guides.

How do I access the Online Workshops?

Go to to set up a profile or sign-in. Detailed registration and access instructions are available in the "How Do I Get Started?" section of this page.

What kind of device and browser can I use to take the workshops?

The workshops can be accessed through any internet browser or the mobile application for Go To Webinar. Participants should test the program prior to the first time using it.

Are modules accessible to students with disabilities?

All modules have closed captioning which can be turned on, on the bottom ride side of the module player. Resource pages are readable PDFs.

Have a question we didn’t answer?

Contact [email protected]. If you want to dig deeper into the content, contact your International/Global Programs office or join us in an Online Workshop.